Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Butterflies, by Alexis Pantermakis

hen you look at me I get butterflies. When you look away I feel like crying. One of the hardest things to do is watch you, the one I love, love someone else. And when you say “Hi” or even smile at me, I know for just one second I’ve crossed your mind.
Sometimes the nearness of you takes my breath away and I don’t know what to say I wish you could read my mind to see how I really feel.
I want to fall for you…… but will you catch me?!?!


  1. very good!....i love her and her poems i ever read....KL

  2. ..this is good alexis ....

  3. This is really good!!!!

  4. this was really good! i loved it!

  5. awww this is really good...nice poem..i love it!!
